Otto Audio – MORE IS MORE v1.0.0

Same transformative sound as guitar tones with II II II II now comes to your mixes + masters with MORE IS MORE.

Engineer’s note
But I didn’t want to just shove simple algorithms into a plugin and put my name on it, I refined and worked on 81 (yes, really) versions of the plugin until it was finished… and it will complete your mixes and masters with pristine, infused character, loud sound. I included 40 starter presets to make this as easy as putting it on a track. Use your ears, turn a few knobs, it works where it needs to and won’t let you down.”
More is More is the plugin’s secret sauce for adding character, weight, punch and grain to your tracks, as well as volume and finishing polish to your tracks, mixes and masters. Use it to its full potential, from simply adding weight or emphasis, pure volume, to sparkling harmonics and crunch, or even full distortion when the situation calls for it. More is More is sure to stay on your mix bus and find all sorts of uses in your mixing and mastering projects.
How to install? [Windows]
Place the More is More.vst3 file in the VST3 directory.