East West – Hollywood Strings Diamond v2.0.7

The Hollywood Strings collection of virtual instruments represents the pinnacle of orchestral string instrument emulation, offering meticulous attention to detail, unparalleled quality, and comprehensive coverage. Comprising an impressive ensemble of instruments, this collection is designed to provide a symphonic palette that meets the highest standards of music production.

Instrumentation & Articulations Overview:

String Section:

  • 16 First Violins
  • 14 Second Violins
  • 10 Violas
  • 10 Cellos
  • 7 Double Basses Total: 57 Instruments

Articulations: Long Notes

  • Sustained Vibrato (Up & Down Bows) [5]
  • Sustained Non-Vibrato (As Above) [5]
  • Sustained Molto Vibrato (As Above) [3]*
  • Flautando**
  • Harmonics**
  • Detache (Up & Down Bows) [4]
  • Marcato Sustain [3]

Articulations: Short Notes

  • Marcato Short (t/l) [3]
  • Staccato (t/l) [4]
  • On‑the‑Bow Staccato (t/l) [4]
  • Staccato Slur [4] (Violins Only)
  • Staccatissimo (t/l) [4]
  • Spiccato (t/l) [4]
  • Pizzicato (t/l) [4]
  • ‘Bartok’ Pizzicato (t/l)
  • Ricochet (Jeté) (t/l) [3]
  • Collegno (t/l)

Effects & Runs

  • Measured Tremolo [4]
  • Tremolo [4]
  • Sul Ponticello Tremolo (Violas Only)
  • Trill (Semitone/Tone*) [3]
  • Fast Repetitions [3]
  • Runs (Chromatic, Major, Minor, Whole Tone)*
  • Spiccato Runs (Violins Only)
  • Slur Runs (Violins Only)

Legato Sustains

  • Legato Slur (Normal/Slow) [3]
  • Legato Bow Change* (Normal/Slow) [3]
  • Portamento Legato* (Normal/Fast) [2]

[x] Number of dynamic layers. *Not applicable to basses. **Exclusive to second violins. t/l = tight (trimmed) attack/loose (untrimmed) attack.

Please note that some articulations may not be available for all five sections; many library patches offer combinations of the performance styles listed above.

System Requirements:

Hollywood Strings operates both as a standalone application and a plug-in for Mac (Intel architecture only, OS 10.5 and above) and PC (Windows XP SP2, Vista, or Windows 7). The samples are 24-bit and require approximately 312GB of disk space.

Supported Sound Drivers:


  • ASIO
  • DirectSound
  • VST


  • Audio Units
  • Core Audio
  • VST

Equipment Requirements:

Minimum Requirements:

  • 4GB RAM, 7200RPM non‑energy‑saving* hard drive.
  • Mac: Intel Core 2 Duo Processor 2.1GHz or higher.
  • PC: Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Dual Core 2.1GHz.

Recommended Configuration:

  • 8GB RAM, 7200RPM non‑energy‑saving* hard drive.
  • Mac: Mac Pro Quad-Core Intel Xeon 2.66GHz.
  • PC: Intel Core 2 Quad or AMD Quad‑Core 2.66GHz, 64‑bit Windows/host sequencer.

Optimal Configuration:

  • 16GB RAM or more, Solid State Drive (SSD).
  • Mac: Mac Pro Eight‑Core Intel Xeon 2.26GHz or better.
  • PC: Intel Core i7 2.66GHz or higher, 64‑bit Windows/host sequencer.


To use the library, the R2R PLAY sampler is required. Download it here.

Installing the library in R2R PLAY:

  1. Unpack the archive onto your HDD in a convenient location.
  2. Copy the “Previews,” “ProductChunks,” and “products” folders from the Decibel folder to the “%PROGRAMDATA%\East West” folder.
  3. Launch the R2R PLAY sampler and navigate to the Browser tab.
  4. Right-click on an empty space in the left column of the Browser tab and select “Add Another Product Library” from the pop-up window.
  5. In the window that appears, specify the location of the folder containing the library.